Enya Xing & Grace Lin
This summer is truly like no other. We throw around phrases like “unprecedented times”, commiserate about how “crazy” life is, but what has that really meant for AWE members? We sent out a form and got back twenty-two responses, detailing how each person has reacted to their unique situations and how they view the future.
Get an overview of who some of our lovely AWE members are!
Quarantine Experience
Our members are from around the world, and are experiencing different types of quarantine. Check out what we’ve been spending our time on, and what we take comfort in.
Current favorite song?
We asked AWE members to reflect on both the highs and lows of their last few months.
Looking Forward
As the Fall semester starts in a couple of weeks, another period of transition emerges.
Thank you to the twenty-two individuals who shared their experiences and perspectives!