Bon-awe-petit: Taiwanese Tea Eggs

by Cara Dong '2023


Join our #bon-awe-petit channel to check out all the food our AWE members have been whipping up during quarantine! Hop in to share some of your favorite creations and learn new recipes from the talented chefs in our club!


Bon-awe-petit: Noodles with Chicken Shreds

by Cara Dong '2023


Join our #bon-awe-petit channel to check out all the food our AWE members have been whipping up during quarantine! Hop in to share some of your favorite creations and learn new recipes from the talented chefs in our club!


You Need Courage (to Make Food)

by Cara Dong '2023

“What do you want to eat for dinner?” 

Fiona, my roommate for a year, asked me for the third time that evening two weeks ago. I had no clue as always, just like how I was with almost everything in my life.

“I know what you are going to say.” She put a hand up like a stop sign and spoke again before I could respond with my usual answer. “‘Anything’, right?” Then we broke into laughter simultaneously.


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We are a student group acting independently of the University of California. We take full responsibility for our organization and this website.