
Here are a few highlights of what AWE does for our students! Check out membership for even more.

AWEffice Hours

Our office is located in 286 Cory. Every month, each of our AWEfficers holds AWEffice Hours. These are an informal time where AWEfficers and members can socialize and study. Occasionally, AWEfficers will have a more involved activity: in the past, we’ve done resume evaluations, interview prep, group studying, and more.

Check out the calendar to see when AWEffice Hours are being held, and click on the event to see the theme.


AWE hosts weekly Breaktimes, casual lunches for members to chat with company representatives. Students get a feel of company culture, find out relevant skills, and listen to the experiences of women in tech. You get to meet new people, learn new things, and who doesn’t enjoy a free lunch?

For more info on Breaktimes and other events we host, check out the events page, and check out the calendar for upcoming Breaktime details.


Teatimes are the virtual alternative for Breaktimes, and are typically held on Zoom. Rather than a conversation over lunch, students get to interact with company representatives over boba. Students can order boba from local boba shops with the discount codes provided by AWE.

For more info on Teatimes and other events we host, check out the events page, and check out the calendar for upcoming Teatime details.

Technical Workshops

Join AWE for our series of technical workshops throughout the semester! The topics of our workshops are decided by member demand, and range from professional development to new technologies not taught in class. For example, we’ve held an introduction to machine learning workshop, a website workshop, and a resume workshop.

Upcoming workshops will be on the calendar, we hope to see you there!


Our mentorship program pairs upperclassmen with newer AWE members for a fun and rewarding experience! Mentor/mentee pairs meet throughout the semester to get to know each other and learn from one another. AWE mentors provide their experience and advice on everything, like courses, student life, clubs, and internships.

For more details and how to join, visit our mentorship page!

© 2024 Association of Women in EE&CS
We are a student group acting independently of the University of California. We take full responsibility for our organization and this website.